Angelica Sinensis / Angelica Dang Gui Capsules, 100 ct. (Plum Flower brand)
Chinese Name: 當歸膠囊
Standard Dosage: 2-3 capsules daily
Ingredients: (Pin Yin) Dang gui Angelica sinensis root
Other Ingredients: Vegetarian capsule (Plant-sourced hypromellose, Water), Dextrin, Magnesium stearate
Contraindications (on the label): Not for use during pregnancy or during excessive menstrual flow
Therapeutic Actions
1. Tonifying the blood and healing symptoms of heart and liver deficiencies. Encourages normal liver function; Supports healthy hair, skin and nails; Supports normal vision.
2. Invigorates blood circulation and relieves pain. Supports menstrual health and well as healthy pregnancy and encourages postpartum vitality.
3. Applied topically, Dang Gui promotes recovery from external injury.
4. Moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels.
Clinical Studies and Research
Psoriasis: In a clinical, 100 patients with psoriasis were treated with a combination injection, with complete recovery in 80 patients, moderate improvements in 15 patients, and a slight improvement in 5 patients.
Herpes zoster: One report describes 54 patients with herpes zoster who all recovered within 6 to 7 days after being treated with 0.5 to 1.0 gram of Dang Gui powder every 4 to 6 hours.
Insomnia: Injection of 2 ml of a 5% Dang Gui solution bilaterally into Anmian points one time daily or every other day for 10 treatments was found to be 88% effective in treating insomnia in 50 patients.
Migraine: A preparation of Dang Gui demonstrated an 82.9% rate of effectiveness in 35 patients with migraine headache.
Arrythmia: According to one report, 100 patients with arrhythmia were treated with two Dang Gui preparations, with 83.3% rate of effectiveness.