teas & tonics

Bee Pollen (花粉)

Black Tea, Organic (India) (红茶 (印度))

Calendula (Marigold flower)

Citrus Chamomile Tea Blend

Comprehensive Iron Palm Tonic

Dong Chou Jiu (Fall and Winter Training Tonic)

Flexibili-Tea Herb Pack

Great Mender Teapills
Teas & Tonics information
Plum Dragon Herbs offers a variety of both Western and Chinese herbal teas. We offer both single herb teas like Chamomile, Peppermint, Oolong, and Black Teas, as well as herbal combination teas, like Citrus Green Tea, Immortali-Tea and Ginger Orange Peach Tea.
The Flexibili-Tea is a combination tea that has been a customer favorite and best-seller for many years, helping to relax the muscles and connective tissue and support flexibility training programs.
Our Chinese Herbal Tonics are specially blended formulas to support the overall health of the body, longevity, healthy Qi levels, circulation, and athletic conditioning.
Our newest herbal tonic formula, called High Spirits, provides specialized nutritional support to counteract the physical and emotional effects of stress and to support optimal mood stability. Check it out!