Dong Chou Jiu (1 Gallon Herb Pack) is a super-strong, kick-ass, power-packed training herb kit!
Dong Chou Jiu (Fall and Winter Training Tonic), 1 Gallon Herb Pack
This formula has been adapted from Thomas Joiner's book Warrior as Healer: A Martial Arts Herbal for Power, Fitness and Focus.
We have modified this formula to make a super strong, kick-ass power tonic! For example, our version includes nearly double the amount of Lu Rong and over 5x the amount of ginseng (and we don't use generic ren shen, we use organic white Jilin ginseng)!
**Hu Gu (Tiger bone) is illegal in the US and its use is also unethical and it is not present in our formula - an important distinction from Joiner's formula**
**Lu Jiao Jiao (Deer Antler Gelatin) is also no longer contained in this formula**
The formula of this power and focus tonic strengthens the sinews and bones, knees, lower back and helps eliminate joint stiffness. It strengthens the liver and kidneys and promotes healthy testosterone levels. It increases vital energy and enriches the blood, strengthens muscles, improves circulation and nourishes the fluids.
Product preparation and usage instructions can be found on the How to Use PlumDragon Products page. Simply scroll down to the section on "Internal tonics."