Plum Dragon Herbs

Ge Gen (Pueraria Root)


Ge Gen

Pueraria lobata (Wild)Puereria Radix; Kudzu, Lobed Kudzuvine Root, Pueraria Root

Cooling in nature, the root of Kudzu, or "Ge's Root" literally, dispels wind from the exterior and is commonly used for tight muscles in the upper body. While it is classified as a Wind-Heat herb, it is also utilized for Wind-Cold conditions.

Kudzu is acrid and sweet in flavor and enters the Spleen and Stomach meridians.


Sweet, acrid, cool

Channels Entered

Spleen, Stomach


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Valerie Cronin
Amazing value

The quality and value of this kudzu root is top tier. It can be eaten right out of the bag. I use it for prevention of alcohol dependence. I might buy the entire stock because the price is so good. It has a prominent flavor similar to the wild yam, and is a bit powdery with fibers running through it. It is soft and crumbly, yet feels moistening. It comes in large rectangular slices.

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