Plum Dragon Herbs

Dit Da Jow | Hung Gar Iron Palm Formula


We apply all the traditional preparation techniques and trade secrets in creating this formula to perform optimally for Iron Palm training – this is not an injury liniment.

Hung Gar Iron Palm Dit Da Jow

  • 4 Oz. Bottle Pre-Aged 

Circulated throughout Southern Kung Fu, PlumDragon Herbs & Dit Da Jow offers this intricate Iron Palm recipe, which shares many of its ingredients with the Ku Yu Cheong Iron Palm formula. While this recipe is quite similar, it has continued to evolve and is unique in its own right. We apply all the traditional preparation techniques and trade secrets in creating this formula to perform optimally for iron palm training - this is not an injury liniment.

Among the list of over 25 herbs in this iron palm dit da jow, some are rare and difficult to procure, and quite expensive. This formula contains all the obscure herbs and Pao Zhi with nothing held back! Now, it is available at Plum Dragon Herbs for those interested in working with this liniment.

This product has some potent herbs. Please exercise caution when performing iron palm routines and use this dit da jow properly. Do not allow the liniment to contact cuts, scrapes, or broken skin.  Apply this liniment only to the area being conditioned.

For EXTERNAL use only.  Do NOT apply to open wounds or cuts, scrapes, broken skin, eyes or mouth at any time.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Zong Hong Fu
good but restock


David Grzebyk
Dit Da Jow Hung Gar

My Master (Bill Hulsey) introduced this amazing liquid to me many years ago which he got a recipe from his Master Jimmy Wu who came from China many years ago and taught Kung Fu San Soo. I wanted to try yours to see if it worked as well. It works very well. Thank you . David G

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