Plum Dragon Herbs

Fang Feng (Siler Root)


Fang Feng is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is the dried root of Ledebouriella seseloides, a plant native to China, Japan, and other regions of Asia. Fang Feng has been used in TCM for centuries to alleviate various health conditions, such as rheumatism, fevers, and other conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. In TCM, it is believed that Fang Feng can dispel wind, clear heat, and relieve pain.  Named "Wind Preventing Herb" in Chinese, Siler root is pungent and has a slightly warm energy. Classed as an herb to induce perspiration, Siler enters the bladder, liver, lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians.

In TCM, Fang Feng is often used in combination with other herbs to increase its effectiveness and target specific health conditions. For example, it may be combined with the herbs Guan Zhong, Qi Ji, and Ge Gen to treat rheumatism, while it is combined with other herbs such as Zhi Mu, Sheng Di Huang, and Huang Qi to treat fevers. Fang Feng is also used in TCM to address issues related to the digestive system, such as indigestion, bloating, and constipation. Overall, Fang Feng is considered to be a versatile herb with a wide range of potential health benefits in TCM.

High Quality Fang Feng: What does it look like?

High quality Fang Feng (Saposhnikovia divaricata) typically has a uniform brown color and a smooth, cylindrical shape. It is characterized by a pungent and slightly bitter taste, and a strong aroma. The roots are typically thicker at the base and taper towards the tips, and the bark is smooth and free of cracks. The quality of Fang Feng can also be determined by its pliability, with high quality whole roots being flexible, yet firm to the touch.

How is Fang Feng prepared and processed?

Saposhnikovia divaricata, commonly known as Fang Feng, Division Dracaena or Ledebouriella Root, is native to temperate regions of Asia, including China, Korea, and Japan as well as the Russian Far East. It grows in mountainous regions, grasslands and other areas with well-drained soils. It is a perennial herb that is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat various ailments, including headaches, muscle pain, and fever.

Siler root (Saposhnikovia divaricata) prefers well-drained, fertile soil and can tolerate partial shade or full sun. Optimal growing conditions for Fang Feng include moderate temperatures and consistent moisture, but it can tolerate dry periods. The plant is typically propagated through division of the root or by seeds, and is typically harvested in the fall.

Fang Feng is harvested in the fall or early winter when the aerial parts of the plant have died back and the roots have fully matured and are at their peak potency. The roots are carefully dug up and washed to remove any soil or debris. They are then dried in the sun or using artificial heat to remove moisture and preserve their medicinal properties.

The dried, processed Fang Feng is then chopped into small pieces or ground into a fine powder to prepare it for use in various TCM remedies, including decoctions, powders, and tinctures. Fang Feng should be stored in a cool, dry place, protected from moisture and light, to preserve its potency and quality.

Popular Recipe for Fang Feng

Fang Feng is commonly used in traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recipes as a herbal ingredient. One popular recipe that uses Fang Feng is called "Fang Feng Tong Sheng San" which is used to treat symptoms of colds and flu, such as headache, body aches, and fever. 

The recipe for Fang Feng Tong Sheng San varies depending on the practitioner and specific use case, but a general formula may include:

The herbs are typically weighed, decocted in water, and consumed as a tea. The exact ratios and preparation instructions may vary based on the practitioner's preference and individual patient needs.


Safety Precautions for the use of Fang Feng

Fang Feng is a traditional Chinese herb commonly used to treat various health conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, colds, and headaches. Here are some precautions to take when using Fang Feng:

  1. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using Fang Feng, especially if you have any health conditions or are taking any medications.

  2. Avoid using Fang Feng in large amounts, as excessive consumption may cause adverse reactions such as nausea, dizziness, or skin irritation.

  3. Keep Fang Feng out of reach of children and pets.

  4. Store Fang Feng in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

  5. If you experience any adverse reactions after using Fang Feng, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

  6. Be aware that Fang Feng may interact with certain medications, such as immunosuppressants and anticoagulants.

  7. Use caution when consuming Fang Feng if you are sensitive to herbs or have any allergies.

  8. Be aware that the preparation and storage of Fang Feng can affect its quality and safety. Always follow proper storage and preparation instructions.

  9. Before consuming Fang Feng, be aware that some herbs may contain harmful chemicals or contaminants. Always choose a reputable source and follow proper preparation instructions.

  10. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult with a healthcare professional before using Fang Feng.

It’s important to note that this is a general guideline and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional or herbalist to determine the right dosage and usage for you

Additional Information about Fang Feng

Common Names: Fang Feng Herb (Siler Root); Ledebouriella Divaricata, Saposhnikovia divaricata; Radix Saposhnikoviae

Properties: Acrid, sweet, slightly warm

Channels Entered: Urinary Bladder, Liver, Spleen

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